
Aish Design Studio

The True Spirit of Republic Day

The True Spirit of Republic Day

The dream of becoming an independent republic turned into reality on 26th January 1950 for India 68 years ago. Today our nation celebrates the Republic day with pride and dignity paying respect to the soldiers on this day who have laid down their lives for our cherished citizens to breathe with peace on our soil.

Republic Day is one of three Indian national holidays and it commemorates the enactment of the constitution of India, which occurred on January 26, 1950. India had achieved independence from Britain on August 15, 1947 (which is celebrated as a separate national holiday), but for its first three years the country remained governed largely by the colonial Government of India Act of 1935.

Shortly after independence was declared, a constituent assembly elected by provincial assemblies went about drafting a constitution that would govern the newly independent nation. After more than two years, the constitution of India was completed and solidified the establishment of India’s independent democratic government. January 26 was chosen as the official enactment date as a nod to the Purna Swaraj (complete self-rule) declaration of independence by the Indian National Congress in 1930 — considered the first concrete step toward independence from Britain.

With the 1950 constitution, the country was officially known as the Republic of India — a “sovereign socialist secular democratic republic” that “secures all its citizens justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity,” according to its preamble.

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